The History of Lake Creek

Title: The History of Lake Creek: Struggles and Perseverance of the Early Settlers. The Lake Creek Historical Society has a booklet for sale.  $10.00. If ordered by mail please enclose $3.00 for postage. Sample of Chapters in booklet:  Lake Creek get its name, First settlers come to Lake Creek, Ranch life in Lake Creek, The Little…

Post Cards For Sale

POST CARDS FOR SALE The Lake Creek Historical Society has been receiving request that we make up some post cards of the Lake Creek area.  This is also a fundraiser for the Lake Creek Historical Society. You will find at the Lake Creek General Store and the Lake Creek Historical Society, 4 versions of cards:  Lost Creek Covered Bridge,…


      Recipes and Remembrances ” A Collection of  recipes from present and former Community Members and Friends.” Besides wonderful recipes there are pictures of  homestead houses that are still standing, being lived in and taken great care of. Since we no long receive tax dollars to keep the doors open and keep the building in good…

The Lake Creek Letter

The LCHS has put out a newsletter called: The Lake Creek Letter since 1992 and we sell them for .50 cents each or 11 for $5.00.  There will also be a postage charge if mailed.  If your interested in a certain topic please call or email us and we will see if that topic was written…